Saturday, February 20, 2010

VANOC decrees we must all dress like it's winter

Well it's the Winter Olympics but the temperature is in the double digits, the sun is shining and if it was April we'd all be talking about what a great spring we're having.
VANOC has been taking a drubbing in the international media over the warm weather and how it has affected Olympic events, which is actually pretty unfair since despite whatever David Suzuki says VANOC does not control the weather.
Undaunted however VANOC has launched an innovative new campaign, they are calling on, actually demanding, that all locals do their part and dress as if it is in fact a traditional Canadian winter.
"If we just put on some parkas, mittens, scarves and a toque and think cold thoughts that will go along ways towards creating a 'winter atmosphere',"said a semi-official VANOC release. In an aside VANOC CEO John Furlong apparently added that a lot of the recent weather woes can just be put down to bad sportsmanship. He was unfortunately whisked away before anyone could get a clarification, but he may have murmured  something about, "those damn Brits."
Realizing that the winter weather clothing demand might not go over so well with the general populace, who are more comfortable in shorts, T-shirts and flip flops these days the RCMP announced they will hold for 'questioning' anyone not wearing clothing appropriate for a January in Winnipeg.