Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tension mounts for Team Canada

Now that we're playing an additional qualifying game thanks to Miller's spectacular goaltending for Team USA and the spectacularly bad officiating a nation is holding its collective breath for the about to start Canada versus Germany game.
Can't lose? Well remember Sweden versus Belurus, Sweden thought they couldn't lose either and gave us a gift by sending Belurus to meet us in the semi-final game in 2002. No doubt Russia would like us to do them the same favour, hopefully Team Canada is going to wake up and realize it's for real now and play like it.
What happens if we lose, and I don't just mean this afternoon's game, I mean going forward (assuming we do go forward). That's the question no one wants to answer, losing in hockey on home ice is not supposed to be part of the script, as hard as winning is against some very impressive teams, Canadians still hope against hope that the tournament will turn around for Team Canada.
If all does go according to script, rest assured no one will be talking about Canada's low medal count anymore, we will be talking about the game - The Game, the gold medal final, well we better all start believing.