Monday, February 15, 2010

Canada poor sports for wanting to win

After spending upwards of $5 billion to host the Winter olympic Games apparently some commentators miss the good old days when we didn't win gold at home, but gee, we sure were all nice and stuff about losing.
Writing in the Globe and Mail John Doyle, the only Irishman on the planet who would choose Toronto over Boston or New York, says we shouldn't be focusing so much on the winners or winning in general, let's hear from the eighth or ninth place finishers and how it's just great to be able to be at the Olympics and all.
Wow, how completely underwhelming John, we imagine if the men's hockey team (God forbid) is knocked out in the quarter finals he'll 'treat' us to a column on how the boys played their hearts out and that's all we really care about.
Actually Canadians are not the uncompetitive lot those of us who don't get out enough would have us believe. Here on the West Coast where sports are much more a way of life than downtown Toronto, everyone knows that weekday group rides are never as friendly as they're made out to be and conversations at the top of the Grouse Grind (for those of us who do it regularly) almost invariably begin with, "so what was your time?"
We like to compete with the best of them and in the Olympics we'd like to see are elite athletes kick ass and fortunately for most of us they are elite athletes for a reason, they're deadly competitors and they want that gold.