Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's not easy to spend a $billion afterall

Those of us living in the Sea to Sky Corridor were treated to the incesscent buzz of military aircraft flying overhead for most of the day - so why did they need to fly around and around for hours on end?
We asked a policeman in line at a local Starbucks (hey you can't fight terrorists without being properly caffeinated), his response, they were doing surveillance while the Olympic athletes were transported back and forth between Whistler and Vancouver for the opening ceremonies.
Well of course it's very likely the Al Qaeda mountain bike brigade was lurking in the hills above Squamish and that furthermore they would attack in broad daylight for the convenience of are flying forces, who couldn't navigate the narrow valley at night in the heavy overcast weather.
Actually, on second thought it's probably more likely someone at the Department of National Defense decided the Air Force could use a few training runs over mountainous terrain and what the hell VANOC's paying for it.
This reminds of the ill fated Springfield bear patrol, as jets screamed overhead and high tech surveillance vans prowled the streets Homer Simpson remarked, "well not a bear in sight the bear patrol must be working."
So in that same vein I would like to offer VANOC my magical anti-terrorist rock for the low, low price of $65,000. Does it even work? You ask. Well I've had it on my desk for years and I've never been bothered by any terrorists.