Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The ugly Candian

No that Canada has cleaned up in the Olympics winning a record number of medals commentators south of the border and of course as usual the stuffy brits across the Atlantic are now referring to us as the ugly Canadians. Allow me to pause here while I fall down on my back and laugh heartily...there that's better, the  hypocrisy here is so broad and so deep, where does one begin?
Well you don't and if the Brits win the World Cup this year (it could happen) we'll be seeing the ugly Englishman in all hi lager chugging, bad teeth and poor hygiene glory. And it won't be long before the Americans do something that we're all supposed to be proud of, like invent a way to text underwater or something and they'll be back to their flag waving ways, what am I saying, they never stopped, they're just chuffed we out did them in the flag waving category - which if you get right down to it is just unAmerican.
Actually what's really annoying is the handwringing that goes on here in Canada. Most of it emanates from Toronto, and features columnists from the Globe and Mail preaching about the awful unCanadianess of being proud of one's country.
Apparently they feel gold medal wins should be celebrated with polite golf claps followed by encouraging comments to our worthy opponents, not screaming and yelling and gasp flag waving, not to mention, horror or horrors 18 year-old women drinking beer!
To Toronto media all this out burst of emotion is, well, too American, to that I say, you didn't get the Olympics now get over it...and the CN Tower is no longer the tallest free standing structure in the world, so there, now I'm going to go wave my flag.