Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring - the underachieving season

Well the first weekend of spring has come and gone and  we now feel...nothing really, it's spring, it's the most unspectacular season of them all. But Alan, you say, we've cast off winter, the trees are in bloom, love is in the air, to which I say, the last two months of winter and the first two months of spring are pretty much indistinguishable from each other, the trees are not in bloom and seriously what are you on?
You might also say that fall or autumn (as our English friends like to say, and if you say fall they roll their eyes and pretend not to understand you) is the same as spring, just a warm-up for winter as spring is a warm-up for summer (although it doesn't warm-up nearly fast enough). But you are wrong, fall is distinctly fall, the kids go back to school, the leaves change colour and the air becomes nippier. So what happens in spring? Well let's review, three weeks ago it was winter, it was chilly and raining, a few trees were valiantly trying to sprout buds and we were all wishing summer would hurry up and get here. And now that it's officially 'spring' what's changed? That's right not a thing.
Oh sure a few science nerds stayed up late on Sat night and balanced eggs on end at the precise moment of the equinox, hurrah, but that's about it for any meaningful signs of change in the air. 
Although I suppose we should be happy since as the saying goes March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb, but here on the Westcoast it comes in like a soggy kitten and leaves as a slightly less soggy kitten. 
Unlike Mongolia for instance where it comes in like a three-humped camel and leaves like a...what's that?...did I? Well I've just been informed I did that bit last year, so there you have it spring is so uninspiring that I can't even be bothered to come up with new material, a big disappointment I'm sure to my millions of fans, but don't blame me, blame the season.