Monday, March 1, 2010

Canada: the new cool

It used to be that Canadians picked up on American trends usually six months to a year after they had already become the cool new thing in the U.S.
It was endlessly frustrating growing up, trips south were always met with derisive comments from American kids that almost invariably went, "you guys are still into that?" Of course I wasn't about to reveal that we had just gotten into "that" and it was all the rage, no at least I had the sense to respond with a modicum of indifference that my prized Star wars T-shirt was some old thing I was wearing because we were on vacation. "But it looks kinda new," some smart ass would always chime in and since I was only ten I'd pretty much used up my store of good comebacks.
But now the worm has turned at last! When American tourists show up this summer wearing those red Olympic mittens (yes they will wear them in the summer, they're Americans they think we live in igloos) the ones people were lining up at 5 am to purchase, I can finally say, "wow you guys are still into that? Plus it's 30 degrees out, what's with the mittens?