Sunday, January 31, 2010

Olympic crowds

Well it’s almost here and our worst fears may be realized – I am talking of course about the Olympics and the crowds that will prevent us from getting our morning takeout coffee in a timely and efficient manner.
Sure we’re all supposed to be ambassadors for our community and I’m all for that until it inconveniences me one iota, then it’s all about me. And listen you don’t want to get between me and my morning caffeine fix; unless you are prepared for a fight to the death. Furthermore don’t think that your adorable two-year old in the stroller will dissuade me either; children are not cute to me unless I have already had a couple shots of espresso and or a shot of bourbon (explains why I am rarely called on to babysit nieces and nephews). Actually children are rarely cute to me even after I’ve imbibed legal stimulants and or depressants (again, explains a few things).
So just to recap for all of those new visitors in town, when in line don’t ask me if it always rains here (for the record just eight months a year), don’t ask me if I know how to get to the Adventure Centre (if you can’t find it no amount of direction will help) and don’t ask me where you can get a good steak (I don’t want you bothering me again while I get my red meat fix).
We can all get along and peacefully coexist as long as all visitors follow this simple rule, don’t bother me. Okay, other than that welcome to Squamish.